Multi-channels of international communication to practice the high-level opening of the market
Updated: Jul.05, 2024 Print

Under the guidance of the People's Bank of China, NAFMII has recently launched a series of pragmatic international publicity activities, further promoted the interbank bond market through various channels, effectively promoted the high-level two-way opening of the bond market. 

Deputy Secretary-General Cao Yuanyuan attended the seminars: China Interbank Market- A New Era of Opportunity

On 11 and 13 June, Deputy Secretary-General Cao Yuanyuan attended the seminars: China Interbank Market- A New Era of Opportunity held in London and Dubai respectively, which were jointly organized by China Construction Bank, China International Capital Corporation and London Stock Exchange.

Ms. Cao delivered a keynote speech, introducing the new pattern of high-quality development of China interbank bond market from the aspects of market system, internationalization of standards, expansion of overseas issuers, investment facilitation and market operation. She welcomed overseas institutions to actively participate in the development of China bond market.

Deputy Secretary-General Cao Yuanyuan Meets with ASFIMA CEO Peter Stein

Deputy Secretary-General Cao Yuanyuan met with ASFIMA CEO Peter Stein who visit NAFMII on the morning of June 12, 2024.

During the meeting, Ms. Cao said that NAFMII and ASIFMA had established sound cooperative relationship for long. As China continues to open up its bond market, she looked forward to more in-depth collaboration in areas of common interest, including sharing investor survey, standards related to OTC derivatives, sustainable finance. Mr. Stein expressed that NAFMII plays an important role in promoting market opening, and ASIFMA is willing to promote higher level and deeper cooperation between the two sides.

A delegation of overseas institutions from IIF visited NAFMII

On the morning of 17 June, a delegation of chief economists from foreign institutions, led by the International Institute of Finance (IIF), visited NAFMII. The IIF delegation included 10 economists representing institutions from banks and asset management companies in Europe, the US and Japan. In response to inquiries, NAFMII provided an overview of the development and opening up of China's bond market. Both sides exchanged views on various topics, including foreign investment in China's bonds and Panda bond.