Deputy Secretary-General Cao Yuanyuan Meets with ISDA CEO Scott O’Malia
Updated: Jun.24, 2024 Print
Deputy Secretary-General Cao Yuanyuan Meets with ISDA CEO Scott O’Malia, who visited NAFMII on the morning of Jun 12.
During the meeting, Dr.Cao first extended her warm welcome to Mr. Scott O’Malia. Dr.Cao said ISDA and NAFMII have kept close communication and cooperation for a long time. With the opening up of China's financial market, NAFMII has always held a positive and open attitude towards the development of the OTC derivatives market. It is hoped that the two sides will continue to communicate in the standard documents, derivatives market practice and other fields in the future, and jointly inject vitality into the development and opening up of the OTC derivatives market in China.
Mr. Scott O’Malia updated ISDA priorities. He said China’s market is developing very rapidly. He has learned that NAFMII has contributed a lot to the development of OTC derivatives market. He noted ISDA is willing to work together with NAFMII to jointly strive for a safe and efficient market.