• Jul.05, 2024

      Under the guidance of the People's Bank of China, NAFMII has recently launched a series of pragmatic international publicity activities, further promoted the interbank bond market through various channels, effectively promoted the high-level two-way opening of the bond market.
      Deputy Secretary-General Cao Yuanyuan attended the seminars: China Interbank Market- A New Era of Opportunity

  • Jul.05, 2024

    In order to promote the high-level opening up of China’s bond market and promote the internationalization of the RMB, the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII), under the guidance of the People’s Bank of China, actively promotes the issuance of bonds by overseas institutions in China’s interbank bond market(referred to as "Panda Bonds"). In order to furthe...

  • Jun.24, 2024

    Deputy Secretary-General Cao Yuanyuan Meets with ISDA CEO Scott O’Malia, who visited NAFMII on the morning of Jun 12.
      During the meeting, Dr.Cao first extended her warm welcome to Mr. Scott O’Malia. Dr.Cao said ISDA and NAFMII have kept close communication and cooperation for a long time. With the opening up of China's financial market, NAFMII has always held a positive and open attitude ...

  • May.16, 2024

  • Apr.08, 2024

    To facilitate the development of Swap Connect and cater to the market needs of trading documentation, under the guidance of the People’s Bank of China, the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (“NAFMII”) and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited formulated the Swap Connect Cleared Derivatives Agreement(2024 Version)(the “Swap Connect Agreement”), which wa...